Wiccan Guide to Self-Care by Marie Bruce

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  • Item Number: BWICGUISC
  • Stock Status: In Stock
  • Unit weight: 0.800
  • Special Pricing: Buy 6  for $10.39 each

Detailed Description

The Wiccan guide to self-care is empowering book with all the tools you need to improve your mental health the Wiccan way. Spells and rituals to help you take a more proactive approach to self-care, and you will learn why you feel the way you do and what to do to feel better. Whether you are a practicing Wiccan or curious to see how this can benefit your mental health. Includes spells for pampering, bath rituals, meditations for relaxation, and dream incubation spells. A 5.91" x 9.13" paperback book with 256 pages.