Shipping Charges

If you see a charge of $2.50 or $3.00 there is something wrong with the method selected, it could be the weight, an address format or an upload is in progress.  Please email us with your order confirmation to confirm your shipping charges.

When shipping with UPS or FEDEX an additional fee may be added to your order as an XDAS code. This fee is charge by UPS & FEDEX if your zip code for your shipping address is registered as being in an extended or in a remote area. This currently is not automated through the online check out and will be added after you place your order.

Shipping Methods

Residential Address

MF - First Class Mail ( under 0.6#)

MP - Priority Mail

FDX - FedEx Home Delivery

FDN - FedEx Next Day Delivery (No AK)

FD2 - FedEx 2 Day Delivery

UR - UPS Residential

UN - UPS Next Day Delivery

U2 - UPS 2 Day Delivery

U3 - UPS 3 Day

Commercial Address

All of the above plus

FCX - FedEx Ground

UC - UPS Commercial


International Shipping

ML - First Class International Mail

MH - Priority International Mail

FXS - FedEx Canada

FEX - Fedex International

US - UPS Canada

UX - UPS Expedited


Exceptions - PO Box can only ship to


MF - First Class Mail ( under 0.6#)

MP - Priority Mail


ML - First Class International Mail

MH - Priority International Mail