Self-Love Crystals (hc) by Katie Huang

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  • Item Number: BSELLOVC
  • Stock Status: In Stock
  • Unit weight: 1.000
  • Special Pricing: Buy 6  for $17.60 each

Detailed Description

Unlock the boundless potential of self-love and wisdom of your heart with Self-Love Crystals, a compassionate guide to embracing your inner worth. From Rose Quartz for self-love and citrine for self-confidence, to tiger's eye for self-assurance and amethyst for self-belief, discover through nurturing spells, heart-opening meditations, and empowering rituals how to harness the powers of 30 healing crystals, and find the perfect crystal for all your spiritual and self-care needs. You deserve it! A 6.1" x 8" Hardcover book with 144 pages.

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