Sacred Circle, Celtic Pagan Journey tarot by Franklin & Mason

Sacred Circle, Celtic Pagan Journey tarot by Franklin & Mason

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  • Item Number: DSACCIR
  • Stock Status: In Stock
  • Unit weight: 0.800
  • Special Pricing: Buy 6  for $20.79 each

Detailed Description

Llewellyn's Sacred Circle Tarot is now available as a deck only. This exceptionally popular and groundbreaking deck combines photographs, computer imaging, and traditional drawing techniques to create stunning images. Drawing on the sacred sites and Pagan heritage of Britain and Ireland, the symbols of the Sacred Circle Tarot unlock the deepest levels of Pagan teaching. The imagery of the cards is designed to work on a number of levels, serving as a tool not only for divination but to facilitate meditation, personal growth, and spiritual development. The major arcana is modified somewhat to fit the pagan theme of the deck. For example, "The Fool" becomes "The Green Man," "The Hierophant" becomes "The Druid," and "The World" becomes "The World Tree." Enter the sacred circle and experience a dawning of consciousness harkening back to the bards of Celtic lore. Includes 78 cards and an instructional booklet.

 Product ReviewsClick here to review this item
Beautiful but limited 5/3/2011
This deck has beautiful Celtic imagery for the Major Arcana and Court cards, but the Minor Arcana lack the detailed imagery that other decks have. What I mean by this is that the Minor Arcana pip cards are simplistic. For instance, the 4 of Cups only shows 4 cups - no other imagery to help determine intuitive messages. One has to memorize the meanings for each pip card.
- Sheryl B, TX
