Runes & Rune Products

Runes are made up of a set of symbolic letters known as the runic alphabet. Spanning it use back over 2,000 years and used as a source of language before the use of the Latin alphabet. Used historically to name places and things, attract luck, for protection, and for predicting future events. Today runes are used widely and here you will find a great variety to choose from.

Love pillar candle with Geba Rune pendant
Item #: CP14GE
14 Units In Stock
Self Confidence pillar candle with Sigel rune pendent
Item #: CP14SI
2 Units In Stock
Rune Magic
Runes poster
Item #: EPRUN
296 Units In Stock
Witches' Rune poster
Item #: EPWITR
503 Units In Stock
Strenght rune pewter
Item #: JPR101
12 Units In Stock
Protection rune pewter
Item #: JPR107
9 Units In Stock
Rune Mother altar cloth or scarf 36
Item #: RAAC4
13 Units In Stock
Rune Awakening altar cloth or scarf 36
Item #: RAAC7
64 Units In Stock
Item #: RC07A
43 Units In Stock
6 1/4
Item #: RC3345
4 Units In Stock
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