Galangal Root or Alphinia Species, also known as Little John, Chewing John, or Galingale. Used for centuries because of its warming effect it has on the body. In magical spells it may be used to help with protection, lust, money, psychic powers, winning in court, doubling money, sex magic and hex breaking. Woody and peppery scent, to be stored in a sealed container in a cool, dry spot. 1lb
Hawthorn Berries or Crataegus Laevigata, also known as Haws. Native to Europe and used in food preparation for centuries. In magic practices it has a variety of uses including chastity, fertility, fairy magick, rebirth, happiness and success. In berry form with a mild fruity scent to be stored in a sealed container in a dark, cool place. 1oz Wild Crafted
Wild Crafted Hawthorn Berries or Crataegus Laevigata, also known as Haws. Native to Europe and used in food preparation for centuries. In magic practices it has a variety of uses including chastity, fertility, fairy magick, rebirth, happiness and success. In berry form with a mild fruity scent to be stored in a sealed container in a dark, cool place. 1lb Wild Crafted
Jasmine or Jasminum Officinale and also known as Poet's Jasmine, originated in China. Fragrant plant known for its beauty which symbolizes motherhood. Referred to as the "King of Oils" because of its wonderful scent. In magic practices it divination, love, attract a soul mate, wealth, money, prophetic dreams and is great for charging quartz crystals. Flower form to be stored in an airtight container in a dark place. 1oz
Jasmine or Jasminum Officinale and also known as Poet's Jasmine, originated in China. Fragrant plant known for its beauty which symbolizes motherhood. Referred to as the "King of Oils" because of its wonderful scent. In magic practices it divination, love, attract a soul mate, wealth, money, prophetic dreams and is great for charging quartz crystals. Flower form to be stored in an airtight container in a dark place. 1lb
Jezebel Root is a common herb amongst the Pagan and Hoodoo traditions. Magical uses may assist you with attracting money and wealth, increase sales and customers, and attraction of men. Root form to be stored in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 1oz.
Jezebel Root is a common herb amongst the Pagan and Hoodoo traditions. Magical uses may assist you with attracting money and wealth, increase sales and customers, and attraction of men. Root form to be stored in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 1lb.
Lemon Balm or Melissa Officinals also known as Sweet Melissa, originating in Europe. This herb was dedicated to the Goddess of the hunt. Having a long history of use in the culinary field as well as the cosmetic industry. In magic it is used for love, success, healing, spiritual development, and healing. Cut form to be stored in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 1oz.
Wild Crafted Lemon Balm or Melissa Officinals also known as Sweet Melissa, originating in Europe. This herb was dedicated to the Goddess of the hunt. Having a long history of use in the culinary field as well as the cosmetic industry. In magic it is used for love, success, healing, spiritual development, and healing. Cut form to be stored in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 1lb. Wild Crafted
Wild Crafted Mandrake Root also known as Podophyllum Peltatum or Indian Apple, or Mayapple. Originating in the United States and once commonly used by Native Americans. In magic practices it is a powerful component in protection, prosperity, money, health,fertility, image magic, attracting love and in exorcising evil spellwork. Root form to be put in a sealed contain away from direct light, heat, and humidity. 1oz Wild Crafted
Wild Crafted Mandrake Root also known as Podophyllum Peltatum or Indian Apple, or Mayapple. Originating in the United States and once commonly used by Native Americans. In magic practices it is a powerful component in protection, prosperity, money, health,fertility, image magic, attracting love and in exorcising evil spellwork. Root form to be put in a sealed contain away from direct light, heat, and humidity. 1lb Wild Crafted
Meadowsweet also known as Filipendula Ulmaria or Queen of the Meadow, Bridewort, and Meadwort. Known for its fragrant flowers and it is said that Queen Elizabeth kept Meadowsweet in her private chambers. In magic it may be used to aid you in stress, divination, peace, happiness, getting a job, love magick, disharmony, and for friendship. Cut form to be stored in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 1oz
Wild Crafted Motherwort or Leonurus Cardiaca and also known as Lion's Ear, or Lion's Tail. Historically earning its name for being a favorite herb amongst midwives. Magically it can be used for confidence, protection, extra power and strength to women, motivation, energy, success, countering magic, and for keeping families safe. Cut form to be stored in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 1oz Wild Crafted
Wild Crafted Motherwort or Leonurus Cardiaca and also known as Lion's Ear, or Lion's Tail. Historically earning its name for being a favorite herb amongst midwives. Magically it can be used for confidence, protection, extra power and strength to women, motivation, energy, success, countering magic, and for keeping families safe. Cut form to be stored in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 1lb Wild Crafted
Orange Peel also known as Citrus Sinensis or Sweet Orange. Native to the United States and used in a variety of ways from culinary to decorating. In magic it is a great ingredient in spells involving love, divination, luck and money. 1oz. in cut form with a citrus scent. Store in an airtight container.
Orange Peel also known as Citrus Sinensis or Sweet Orange. Native to the United States and used in a variety of ways from culinary to decorating. In magic it is a great ingredient in spells involving love, divination, luck and money. 1lb. in cut form with a citrus scent. Store in an airtight container.
Organic Red Clover also known as Trifolium Pratense originating in Eastern Europe. Used frequently in Chinese and Indian wellness systems as tonic for woman. In magic it is used in spells for fidelity, money, love, protection, negative spirits and success. 1oz in cut form to be sealed in a container away from direct light and drafts. Organic
Sarsaparilla Root also known as Hemidesmus Indicus, originating in India. This is a member of the dogbane family in is widely used in Ayurveda. Magical uses of this herb include money drawing work, house blessing, and to arouse sexual passion. In cut form to be stored in an airtight container away from heat and light. 1oz.
Sarsaparilla Root also known as Hemidesmus Indicus, originating in India. This is a member of the dogbane family in is widely used in Ayurveda. Magical uses of this herb include money drawing work, house blessing, and to arouse sexual passion. In cut form to be stored in an airtight container away from heat and light. 1lb.
Vervain cut also known as Verbena Hastata has a long history of use dating back to ancient Egypt. Used medicinally and in the culinary food for its properties. In magic it may be used to help with protection, opening the third eye, intuition, bring blessings, love, peace, money, youth, chastity, sleep, healing, cleansing and purifying and for dream work. 1oz in cut form with a grass like aroma, to be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.