Crystals for Energy Healing by Ashley Leavy

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  • Item Number: BCRYENE
  • Stock Status: In Stock
  • Unit weight: 1.600
  • Special Pricing: Buy 6  for $19.99 each

Detailed Description

Crystals for Energy is a comprehensive source book of 100 essential crystals for spiritual healing and all-round protection. Not only does it present you with the crystal's natural attributes, legendary power, and holistic benefits, but also information on each crystal's specific energy so it may enhance, heal, or protect you. This all-inclusive guide book features introductory chapters on what crystals are from both their scientific legacy, and their magical one. You will see how to choose and care for your crystals, as well as the importance chakras and color in spiritual healing. You will also enjoy a practical chapter on working with stones specifically curated by the author for their protection and spiritual healing properties.