Crystal Companion by Rachel Hancock

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  • Item Number: BCRYCOM
  • Stock Status: Out of Stock
  • Unit weight: 1.000
  • Special Pricing: Buy 6  for $15.99 each

Detailed Description

The Crystal Companion is the beginner’s guide to understanding and working with the stones. You will learn the science as well as the art of crystals, including: How to use crystals with other practices such as feng shui, meditation, and reiki - Crystal correspondences such as color and which stones should and should not be used together - How to use crystals in ritual - How to use intention to work and manifest with your crystals - Crystal lattice systems MOH hardness scales - High and low vibration crystals - Energetic concepts such as entrainment. Featuring gorgeous photography and breathtaking images of the stones, The Crystal Companion is destined to be your go-to crystal resource. A 4.9" x 7.7" Hardcover book with 176 pages

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