Smudging Prayer poster |
A great reference to keep hanging by your altar space, the Smudging Prayer poster offers you words to speak during your smudging ritual, when the sacred smoke will help carry your prayers. 8 1/2" x 11" |
Special Pricing Available |
291 Units In Stock |
Snake Prayer poster |
Here, the words and the symbolic artwork come together to offer you a prayer to Snake, to help you seek the aid and presence of the mysterious creature's spirit within your life. 8 1/2" x 11" |
Special Pricing Available |
576 Units In Stock |
Solomon poster |
The Great Symbol of Solomon. By Eliphas Levi from his book Transcendental Magic; The Double Triangle of Solomon, represented by the two Ancients of the Kabbalah; the Macroprosopus and the Microprosopus; the God of Light and the God of Reflections; of mercy and vengeance; the white Jehovah and the black Jehovah. 8 1/2" x 11" |
Special Pricing Available |
485 Units In Stock |
Talisman Pentacle poster |
Talisman Pentacle Quote from poster. "Define your Intentions at each Sabbat with this talisman. To use, cut around dashed line. After centering yourself, write down what you need or want to accomplish, . . . . singe the edge of talisman to seal your desire so the magick can work. . . . " 8 1/2" x 11" |
Special Pricing Available |
543 Units In Stock |
Turtle Prayer poster |
This beautiful parchment poster mingles the tribal artwork of Eliot Alexander with the poetic prayer of Travis Bowman to provide you with a prayer to the Great Turtle Spirit. 8 1/2" x 11" |
Special Pricing Available |
134 Units In Stock |
Water Dragon poster |
Beseeching the Water Dragon as a guardian, and wise spirit of the water, the Water Dragon poster displays a lovely prayer to the Water Dragon to aid you in finding grace and wisdom. Parchment posters. 8 1/2" x 11" |
Special Pricing Available |
471 Units In Stock |
Wheel of the Year poster |
Journey through the Wheel of the Year and experience the waxing and waning of the seasons, with this beautiful representation of the changing seasons and the coming and going of the Sabbats. 8 1/2" x 11" |
Special Pricing Available |
289 Units In Stock |
Witches' Alphabet poster |
The Witches' Alphabet : Theban Script Quote from poster "Also called "the runes of Honorius" These letters are used to write spells and incantations in a Witches' book of Shadows. and to inscribe one's Craft name on ritual tools and Witch jewels. . . ." 8 1/2" x 11" |
Special Pricing Available |
101 Units In Stock |
Wolf Prayer poster |
This parchment poster offers a shamanic prayer to the spirit of the wolf, for guidance, strength, and protection throughout your journey in the wilds of life. 8 1/2" x 11" |
Special Pricing Available |
99 Units In Stock |
Your Magick Wand poster |
A great reference tool for those exploring the art of creating their own magick wand or personalizing the wand they already possess, this poster provides a fantastic amount of lore and instruction. 8 1/2" x 11" |
Special Pricing Available |
81 Units In Stock |